Jennings buckmaster 2000 compound bow manual
Jennings buckmaster 2000 compound bow manual

jennings buckmaster 2000 compound bow manual

Hi, I just purchased a beautiful lightly used JENNINGS Buckmaster Solo Cam bow again - had one years ago and it was stolen from me - but am lacking a Owner's Manual having purchased this one used on eBay - and am hoping that someone might have a copy of one in a.Trending Questions How many people have gone to the moon? Why can't people see far distances? What form of radiation that can kill us? How often do POES and GOES orbit? What is a smaller group of stars within a constellation. Draw length is 28’Draw Weight 70lbs and String Length is 98.5. Jennings Archery Compound Bow(Buckmaster) Up for sale is a used fully operational Jennings Archery Compound Bow(Buckmaster) Bow is in good condition.It comes with a quiver.Golden Key Futura arrow rest and sight.

jennings buckmaster 2000 compound bow manual

Axle to Axle Length 31.25' Peak Draw Weight 40-50 lbs. This 31-inch length bow weighs less than 3 lbs and is designed specifically for short draw archers. The Jennings RackMaster Lite bow meets small frame hunting challenges on any given day. All this makes the RackMaster Lite a sturdy bow that you can depend on, day after day, year after year. Draw Lengths: 27-33' Axle to Axle: 40' Brace Height: n/a. To get more alternatives, look at our full list of Jennings Buckmaster Compound Bow or use the search box. Its presently set for about a 30 draw length. It currently feels like its set for about 60 lbs and the adjustment screws are fairly far out so it may be a 60 - 70 bow.

jennings buckmaster 2000 compound bow manual

Here is the top rated choice of other clients buying items related to jennings buckmaster compound bow. JENNINGS BUCKMASTER BOW MANUAL jennings compound bow manual fasrsw This is an older Jennings Buckmaster bow, in decent shape, and is supposedly a 55 - 65 bow. Here is something taken off the internet telling you this-Bow Features. Jennings Buckmaster 2000 Compound Bow String and. That means it cannot safely be adjusted below 60 lbs. Jennings Archery Buckmaster 2000 Bow Posted by Bud NovemBear Lights Out Compound Bow Draw Weight Bear Lights Out bow on the market Bear Lights Out Brace Height: eight.75 ' Axle to Axle Length: 30 ' Draw Length: 25 ' 31 ' Draw Weight: 40 lbs 70 lbs IBO Speed: 296 fps 300 fps Weight: 3.7 lbs Buy Bow Now: Check Ebay Lights.

Jennings buckmaster 2000 compound bow manual